Iron Gate Exhibition 2019

Date September 27
Country United States
State Massachusetts
City Danvers
Software HEMA CM (results )

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword (Beginner) 34 12
Mixed Steel Longsword (Wisdom) 15 6
Mixed Steel Longsword (Open) 209 65
Women's Steel Longsword 46 15
Mixed Steel Basket-Hilted Broadsword 29 15
Mixed Steel Any Weapon 190 52

Fighters in event

William Kilmer Massachusetts Historical Swordsmanship
Laurent Theil-Santerre Académie Scrimicie
Antoine Lambert Académie Scrimicie
Vincent Cyr Académie Scrimicie
Stéfany Cantin Académie Scrimicie
Rachel Gauthier Académie Scrimicie
Philippe Mandeville Gauthier La Compagnie Médiévale
Jérôme Paupe La Compagnie Médiévale
Francois Paupe La Compagnie Médiévale
Arjan Mann Ottawa Historical Fencing Society
Sihong Fu Academie Duello
Yichen Liu Italian Renaissance Swordsmanship Academy
Connor Kemp-Cowell Caledonian Sword Guild
Tea Kew Cambridge HEMA
Devon Pratt
Steven Gotcher Aegis Historical Combat Training
Michael Baker Athena School of Arms
Andrew Kilgore Athena School of Arms
Joseph Giuliano Athena School of Arms
Eva Arnason Athena School of Arms
Steven Hirsch Athena School of Arms
Robyn Alman Athena School of Arms
Kenneth Hogan Athena School of Arms
Chris Osmecki Athena School of Arms
Cori McLean Athena School of Arms
Micha Reiser Athena School of Arms
Katherine Coyle Athena School of Arms
Colleen Cannon Athena School of Arms
Corin McLean Athena School of Arms
Dylan Hoffmann Athena School of Arms
Micha Rieser Athena School of Arms
Peter Edwards Athena School of Arms
Anthony Buonomo Austin Historical Weapons Guild
Matthew Johnson Boston Academie d'Armes
Patrick Breitenbach Boston Armizare
Christina Beaulieu Boston Armizare
Mike O'Brien Boston Armizare
Derek Wise Boston Armizare
Jacqueline Doyle Boston Armizare
Sean You Boston Armizare
Raymond Walach Boston Armizare
Chris Cecchi Boston Armizare
Ethan Heilman Boston Armizare
Rebecca Jordan Branta School of Arms
Stephen Cheney Bucks Historical Longsword
Eddy Louis Forte Swordplay
James Morgan Forte Swordplay
Harold Vance III Frozen Clover Swordplay
Eric Torraca Grünberg Freifechter
Da'Mon Stith Guild of the Silent Sword
Chad Stewart Halfmoon Hema
John Armitage Halfmoon Hema
Rebecca Glass L'Arte Della Bellica
Patrick McCaffrey L'Arte NYC Historical Fencing
Katie Zold Laurel City Historical Fencing
Lucas Marra Laurel City Historical Fencing
Jeffrey Baravarian Long Island Historical Fencing Society
Kristopher Micozzi Long Island Historical Fencing Society
Ryan Zukowski Long Island Historical Fencing Society
Kiana Shurkin Maryland Kunst des Fechtens
Isadora Baden-Payne Maryland Kunst des Fechtens
David Foster Massachusetts Historical Swordsmanship
Eric Crain Massachusetts Historical Swordsmanship
Marissa Cuggino Massachusetts Historical Swordsmanship
Christopher Palagi Massachusetts Historical Swordsmanship
Michael Zuschlag Massachusetts Historical Swordsmanship
Paul Weinberg Massachusetts Historical Swordsmanship
Donovan Neiford Massachusetts Historical Swordsmanship
Jordan Humber Medieval European Martial Arts Guild
Josh Furrate Nachreisen Historical Fencing
Eric White New Jersey Historical Fencing Association
Shane Brown New Jersey Historical Fencing Association
David Ott New Jersey Historical Fencing Association
Henry Sharum New Jersey Historical Fencing Association
C. Burns New Jersey Kloppfechters
Joseph Ceirante New York Historical Fencing Association
Elizabeth Beattie New York Historical Fencing Association
Harley Jelis New York Historical Fencing Association
Robert N. Smith Nickel City Longsword Academy
Rob Heim Nickel City Longsword Academy
Richard Brautman Nickel City Longsword Academy
Kristopher Newtown Nickel City Longsword Academy
Collin Mandris Nickel City Longsword Academy
Garrett Adams Nickel City Longsword Academy
Keith Leung Nickel City Longsword Academy
Sebastian Cole Nickel City Longsword Academy
Chandra Blair Nickel City Longsword Academy
Jacob Burke Noble Science Academy
Robert Kay Noble Science Academy
William Bliss Noble Science Academy
Jonathan Paulino Philadelphia Common Fencers Guild
Zack Kochanski Pioneer Valley Fencing Academy
Bryan Larkin Pioneer Valley Fencing Academy
John Stansfield Richmond Kunst Des Fechtens
Lauren Comito Rogue Fencing
Tanya Smith Rogue Fencing
Alexander Kotarakos Sword Inquisition
Camren O'Connor Swords of Chivalry
Seth Robinson The Cateran Society
Mathew Park The Cateran Society
Devan Pratt The Cateran Society
Jonathan Farris The Exiles New England
Michael Beschta The Exiles New England
Ryan Rusek Tri-State Historical Fencing Club
Jason DeAngelis Western Swordsmanship Technique and Research
Kyle Marrotte Western Swordsmanship Technique and Research
Scott Loescher Western Swordsmanship Technique and Research
Ashley Sciandra Western Swordsmanship Technique and Research
Jeremy Steflik Western Swordsmanship Technique and Research
John Morahn Western Swordsmanship Technique and Research


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Ethan Heilman Collin Mandris LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Garrett Adams Jonathan Farris WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Sebastian Cole Michael Beschta WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Ethan Heilman Garrett Adams LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Collin Mandris Sebastian Cole WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Michael Beschta Jonathan Farris WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Sebastian Cole Garrett Adams WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Collin Mandris Michael Beschta LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Jonathan Farris Ethan Heilman WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Collin Mandris Garrett Adams LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Sebastian Cole Jonathan Farris DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Ethan Heilman Michael Beschta DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Jonathan Farris Collin Mandris LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Sebastian Cole Ethan Heilman DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Garrett Adams Michael Beschta WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Chris Cecchi Jordan Humber LOSS WIN
Pool 2 David Ott Jacqueline Doyle LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Keith Leung Jason DeAngelis WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Jordan Humber Jacqueline Doyle WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Jason DeAngelis Chris Cecchi WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Keith Leung David Ott LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Jacqueline Doyle Jason DeAngelis LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Keith Leung Chris Cecchi LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Jordan Humber David Ott WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Jacqueline Doyle Chris Cecchi LOSS WIN
Pool 2 David Ott Jason DeAngelis LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Keith Leung Jordan Humber WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Chris Cecchi David Ott LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Jordan Humber Jason DeAngelis LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Keith Leung Jacqueline Doyle WIN LOSS
Second Pool 1 Jason DeAngelis Keith Leung LOSS WIN
Second Pool 1 Garrett Adams Collin Mandris WIN LOSS
Second Pool 1 Jason DeAngelis Collin Mandris LOSS WIN
Second Pool 1 Keith Leung Garrett Adams LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 William Kilmer Francois Paupe LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Michael Zuschlag Ryan Rusek LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Paul Weinberg Christopher Palagi WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Francois Paupe Michael Zuschlag DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 William Kilmer Paul Weinberg LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Christopher Palagi Ryan Rusek LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Paul Weinberg Michael Zuschlag LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Christopher Palagi William Kilmer WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Francois Paupe Ryan Rusek LOSS WIN
Pool 1 William Kilmer Michael Zuschlag LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Ryan Rusek Paul Weinberg WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Christopher Palagi Francois Paupe LOSS WIN
Pool 1 William Kilmer Ryan Rusek LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Francois Paupe Paul Weinberg DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Michael Zuschlag Christopher Palagi WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Shane Brown Eddy Louis WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Eric Torraca John Armitage LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Francois Paupe Eddy Louis LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Eric Torraca Shane Brown LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Eddy Louis John Armitage WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Shane Brown Francois Paupe WIN LOSS
Pool 1 John Armitage Shane Brown LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Francois Paupe Eric Torraca LOSS WIN
Pool 1 John Armitage Francois Paupe WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Eddy Louis Eric Torraca WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Stephen Cheney Isadora Baden-Payne WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Donovan Neiford Kristopher Micozzi WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Matthew Johnson Stephen Cheney LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Kristopher Micozzi Isadora Baden-Payne LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Matthew Johnson Donovan Neiford WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Stephen Cheney Kristopher Micozzi WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Matthew Johnson Isadora Baden-Payne WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Donovan Neiford Stephen Cheney LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Matthew Johnson Kristopher Micozzi DRAW DRAW
Pool 2 Isadora Baden-Payne Donovan Neiford WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Zack Kochanski Eric White LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Kenneth Hogan Christina Beaulieu WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Zack Kochanski Rob Heim WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Kenneth Hogan Eric White LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Christina Beaulieu Rob Heim WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Kenneth Hogan Zack Kochanski LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Eric White Rob Heim WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Christina Beaulieu Zack Kochanski WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Kenneth Hogan Rob Heim LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Eric White Christina Beaulieu WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Vincent Cyr Harley Jelis LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Alexander Kotarakos James Morgan WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Henry Sharum C. Burns WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Alexander Kotarakos Harley Jelis LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Henry Sharum Vincent Cyr WIN LOSS
Pool 4 James Morgan C. Burns LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Henry Sharum Alexander Kotarakos LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Vincent Cyr C. Burns WIN LOSS
Pool 4 James Morgan Harley Jelis LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Alexander Kotarakos Vincent Cyr DRAW DRAW
Pool 4 Henry Sharum James Morgan WIN LOSS
Pool 4 C. Burns Harley Jelis LOSS WIN
Pool 4 James Morgan Vincent Cyr LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Henry Sharum Harley Jelis WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Alexander Kotarakos C. Burns WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Robert N. Smith Laurent Theil-Santerre WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Rebecca Glass Chad Stewart WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Paul Weinberg Connor Kemp-Cowell LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Laurent Theil-Santerre Chad Stewart WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Robert N. Smith Paul Weinberg WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Rebecca Glass Connor Kemp-Cowell LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Paul Weinberg Chad Stewart LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Connor Kemp-Cowell Robert N. Smith WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Rebecca Glass Laurent Theil-Santerre LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Robert N. Smith Chad Stewart WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Rebecca Glass Paul Weinberg WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Laurent Theil-Santerre Connor Kemp-Cowell DRAW DRAW
Pool 5 Robert N. Smith Rebecca Glass WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Laurent Theil-Santerre Paul Weinberg WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Chad Stewart Connor Kemp-Cowell LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Yichen Liu Robyn Alman WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Ryan Zukowski Antoine Lambert WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Scott Loescher Yichen Liu LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Robyn Alman Ryan Zukowski LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Scott Loescher Antoine Lambert LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Ryan Zukowski Yichen Liu WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Scott Loescher Robyn Alman LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Antoine Lambert Yichen Liu DRAW DRAW
Pool 6 Scott Loescher Ryan Zukowski LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Robyn Alman Antoine Lambert LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Katherine Coyle Tea Kew LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Lucas Marra David Foster LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Tea Kew Seth Robinson WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Katherine Coyle Lucas Marra LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Seth Robinson David Foster WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Lucas Marra Tea Kew LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Seth Robinson Katherine Coyle DRAW DRAW
Pool 8 David Foster Tea Kew WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Seth Robinson Lucas Marra LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Katherine Coyle David Foster WIN LOSS
Pool 12 Kyle Marrotte Jérôme Paupe LOSS WIN
Pool 12 Colleen Cannon Katie Zold WIN LOSS
Pool 12 Derek Wise Jonathan Paulino WIN LOSS
Pool 12 Colleen Cannon Jérôme Paupe LOSS WIN
Pool 12 Kyle Marrotte Jonathan Paulino WIN LOSS
Pool 12 Katie Zold Derek Wise LOSS WIN
Pool 12 Jonathan Paulino Colleen Cannon WIN LOSS
Pool 12 Kyle Marrotte Derek Wise LOSS WIN
Pool 12 Jérôme Paupe Katie Zold WIN LOSS
Pool 12 Colleen Cannon Kyle Marrotte LOSS WIN
Pool 12 Katie Zold Jonathan Paulino LOSS WIN
Pool 12 Derek Wise Jérôme Paupe WIN LOSS
Pool 12 Katie Zold Kyle Marrotte LOSS WIN
Pool 12 Jonathan Paulino Jérôme Paupe WIN LOSS
Pool 12 Derek Wise Colleen Cannon WIN LOSS
Pool 9 Ashley Sciandra Patrick Breitenbach LOSS WIN
Pool 9 Anthony Buonomo John Stansfield WIN LOSS
Pool 9 Joseph Giuliano Patrick Breitenbach WIN LOSS
Pool 9 Ashley Sciandra John Stansfield LOSS WIN
Pool 9 Joseph Giuliano Anthony Buonomo LOSS WIN
Pool 9 John Stansfield Patrick Breitenbach LOSS WIN
Pool 9 Joseph Giuliano Ashley Sciandra DRAW DRAW
Pool 9 Anthony Buonomo Patrick Breitenbach WIN LOSS
Pool 9 Joseph Giuliano John Stansfield DRAW DRAW
Pool 9 Anthony Buonomo Ashley Sciandra WIN LOSS
Pool 10 Robert Kay Joseph Ceirante LOSS WIN
Pool 10 Camren O'Connor Raymond Walach WIN LOSS
Pool 10 Josh Furrate Eva Arnason WIN LOSS
Pool 10 Camren O'Connor Joseph Ceirante WIN LOSS
Pool 10 Robert Kay Josh Furrate DRAW DRAW
Pool 10 Eva Arnason Raymond Walach WIN LOSS
Pool 10 Josh Furrate Camren O'Connor LOSS WIN
Pool 10 Robert Kay Eva Arnason WIN LOSS
Pool 10 Joseph Ceirante Raymond Walach WIN LOSS
Pool 10 Robert Kay Camren O'Connor LOSS WIN
Pool 10 Josh Furrate Raymond Walach WIN LOSS
Pool 10 Eva Arnason Joseph Ceirante LOSS WIN
Pool 10 Robert Kay Raymond Walach LOSS WIN
Pool 10 Josh Furrate Joseph Ceirante WIN LOSS
Pool 10 Camren O'Connor Eva Arnason WIN LOSS
Pool 11 William Bliss Michael Baker WIN LOSS
Pool 11 Bryan Larkin Sihong Fu LOSS WIN
Pool 11 Jeffrey Baravarian Philippe Mandeville Gauthier LOSS WIN
Pool 11 Michael Baker Bryan Larkin LOSS WIN
Pool 11 William Bliss Philippe Mandeville Gauthier WIN LOSS
Pool 11 Sihong Fu Jeffrey Baravarian WIN LOSS
Pool 11 Bryan Larkin Philippe Mandeville Gauthier DRAW DRAW
Pool 11 William Bliss Jeffrey Baravarian WIN LOSS
Pool 11 Michael Baker Sihong Fu LOSS WIN
Pool 11 William Bliss Bryan Larkin LOSS WIN
Pool 11 Sihong Fu Philippe Mandeville Gauthier WIN LOSS
Pool 11 Jeffrey Baravarian Michael Baker WIN LOSS
Pool 11 Sihong Fu William Bliss DRAW DRAW
Pool 11 Philippe Mandeville Gauthier Michael Baker WIN LOSS
Pool 11 Jeffrey Baravarian Bryan Larkin LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Peter Edwards Jacob Burke LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Eric Crain Kristopher Newtown WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Patrick McCaffrey Peter Edwards WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Jacob Burke Kristopher Newtown WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Patrick McCaffrey Eric Crain WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Kristopher Newtown Peter Edwards WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Patrick McCaffrey Jacob Burke WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Eric Crain Peter Edwards WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Patrick McCaffrey Kristopher Newtown WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Jacob Burke Eric Crain WIN LOSS
Second Pool 1 Connor Kemp-Cowell Ryan Zukowski WIN LOSS
Second Pool 1 Eric White Camren O'Connor LOSS WIN
Second Pool 1 Matthew Johnson Ryan Zukowski WIN LOSS
Second Pool 1 Connor Kemp-Cowell Eric White WIN LOSS
Second Pool 1 Matthew Johnson Camren O'Connor WIN LOSS
Second Pool 1 Ryan Zukowski Eric White WIN LOSS
Second Pool 1 Matthew Johnson Connor Kemp-Cowell WIN LOSS
Second Pool 1 Ryan Zukowski Camren O'Connor WIN LOSS
Second Pool 1 Matthew Johnson Eric White WIN LOSS
Second Pool 1 Connor Kemp-Cowell Camren O'Connor WIN LOSS
Second Pool 2 Stephen Cheney Chad Stewart WIN LOSS
Second Pool 2 Derek Wise Anthony Buonomo LOSS WIN
Second Pool 2 Eddy Louis Stephen Cheney LOSS WIN
Second Pool 2 Chad Stewart Derek Wise LOSS WIN
Second Pool 2 Anthony Buonomo Eddy Louis LOSS WIN
Second Pool 2 Derek Wise Stephen Cheney DRAW DRAW
Second Pool 2 Eddy Louis Chad Stewart WIN LOSS
Second Pool 2 Anthony Buonomo Stephen Cheney LOSS WIN
Second Pool 2 Derek Wise Eddy Louis WIN LOSS
Second Pool 2 Anthony Buonomo Chad Stewart WIN LOSS
Second Pool 3 Shane Brown Joseph Ceirante WIN LOSS
Second Pool 3 Josh Furrate Harley Jelis LOSS WIN
Second Pool 3 Shane Brown Rebecca Glass WIN LOSS
Second Pool 3 Joseph Ceirante Josh Furrate LOSS WIN
Second Pool 3 Harley Jelis Rebecca Glass WIN LOSS
Second Pool 3 Josh Furrate Shane Brown LOSS WIN
Second Pool 3 Joseph Ceirante Rebecca Glass WIN LOSS
Second Pool 3 Harley Jelis Shane Brown LOSS WIN
Second Pool 3 Josh Furrate Rebecca Glass WIN LOSS
Second Pool 3 Harley Jelis Joseph Ceirante WIN LOSS
Second Pool 6 Patrick McCaffrey Zack Kochanski LOSS WIN
Second Pool 6 Alexander Kotarakos Tea Kew WIN LOSS
Second Pool 6 Vincent Cyr Zack Kochanski WIN LOSS
Second Pool 6 Patrick McCaffrey Tea Kew WIN LOSS
Second Pool 6 Vincent Cyr Alexander Kotarakos LOSS WIN
Second Pool 6 Tea Kew Zack Kochanski LOSS WIN
Second Pool 6 Patrick McCaffrey Vincent Cyr LOSS WIN
Second Pool 6 Zack Kochanski Alexander Kotarakos LOSS WIN
Second Pool 6 Tea Kew Vincent Cyr LOSS WIN
Second Pool 6 Patrick McCaffrey Alexander Kotarakos LOSS WIN
Second Pool 5 Jacob Burke Laurent Theil-Santerre LOSS WIN
Second Pool 5 Isadora Baden-Payne Katherine Coyle LOSS WIN
Second Pool 5 Kyle Marrotte Laurent Theil-Santerre WIN LOSS
Second Pool 5 Jacob Burke Katherine Coyle WIN LOSS
Second Pool 5 Isadora Baden-Payne Kyle Marrotte WIN LOSS
Second Pool 5 Katherine Coyle Laurent Theil-Santerre LOSS WIN
Second Pool 5 Kyle Marrotte Jacob Burke LOSS WIN
Second Pool 5 Isadora Baden-Payne Laurent Theil-Santerre LOSS WIN
Second Pool 5 Katherine Coyle Kyle Marrotte LOSS WIN
Second Pool 5 Isadora Baden-Payne Jacob Burke LOSS WIN
Second Pool 4 Jonathan Paulino Sihong Fu WIN LOSS
Second Pool 4 Henry Sharum Lucas Marra WIN LOSS
Second Pool 4 Sihong Fu Robert N. Smith LOSS WIN
Second Pool 4 Jonathan Paulino Lucas Marra WIN LOSS
Second Pool 4 Henry Sharum Robert N. Smith LOSS WIN
Second Pool 4 Sihong Fu Lucas Marra WIN LOSS
Second Pool 4 Robert N. Smith Jonathan Paulino LOSS WIN
Second Pool 4 Sihong Fu Henry Sharum WIN LOSS
Second Pool 4 Lucas Marra Robert N. Smith LOSS WIN
Second Pool 4 Henry Sharum Jonathan Paulino LOSS WIN
Semifinal 1 Harley Jelis Stephen Cheney LOSS WIN
Semifinal 2 Alexander Kotarakos Laurent Theil-Santerre LOSS WIN
Final Laurent Theil-Santerre Stephen Cheney LOSS WIN
Third place Alexander Kotarakos Harley Jelis LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Rebecca Jordan Eva Arnason LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Rachel Gauthier Rebecca Glass LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Elizabeth Beattie Eva Arnason WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Rebecca Glass Rebecca Jordan WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Rachel Gauthier Elizabeth Beattie LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Eva Arnason Rebecca Glass WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Rebecca Jordan Elizabeth Beattie LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Rachel Gauthier Eva Arnason DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Elizabeth Beattie Rebecca Glass WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Rachel Gauthier Rebecca Jordan WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Christina Beaulieu Marissa Cuggino WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Lauren Comito Colleen Cannon WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Ashley Sciandra Christina Beaulieu WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Marissa Cuggino Lauren Comito LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Ashley Sciandra Colleen Cannon WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Lauren Comito Christina Beaulieu LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Marissa Cuggino Ashley Sciandra LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Colleen Cannon Christina Beaulieu LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Ashley Sciandra Lauren Comito LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Marissa Cuggino Colleen Cannon LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Tanya Smith Jacqueline Doyle LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Chandra Blair Robyn Alman LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Tanya Smith Stéfany Cantin LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Robyn Alman Jacqueline Doyle LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Chandra Blair Stéfany Cantin LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Tanya Smith Robyn Alman LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Jacqueline Doyle Stéfany Cantin LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Tanya Smith Chandra Blair WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Robyn Alman Stéfany Cantin WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Jacqueline Doyle Chandra Blair WIN LOSS
Second Pool 1 Rebecca Glass Lauren Comito WIN LOSS
Second Pool 1 Stéfany Cantin Elizabeth Beattie WIN LOSS
Second Pool 1 Lauren Comito Stéfany Cantin LOSS WIN
Second Pool 1 Rebecca Glass Elizabeth Beattie LOSS WIN
Second Pool 1 Stéfany Cantin Rebecca Glass WIN LOSS
Second Pool 1 Elizabeth Beattie Lauren Comito WIN LOSS
Second Pool 2 Christina Beaulieu Ashley Sciandra WIN LOSS
Second Pool 2 Jacqueline Doyle Tanya Smith LOSS WIN
Second Pool 2 Ashley Sciandra Tanya Smith LOSS WIN
Second Pool 2 Jacqueline Doyle Christina Beaulieu WIN LOSS
Second Pool 2 Tanya Smith Christina Beaulieu LOSS WIN
Second Pool 2 Jacqueline Doyle Ashley Sciandra WIN LOSS
Final Pool Stéfany Cantin Christina Beaulieu LOSS WIN
Final Pool Tanya Smith Elizabeth Beattie WIN LOSS
Final Pool Stéfany Cantin Elizabeth Beattie WIN LOSS
Final Pool Christina Beaulieu Tanya Smith WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Micha Reiser Rachel Gauthier WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Philippe Mandeville Gauthier Kenneth Hogan LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Micha Reiser William Kilmer DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Rachel Gauthier Kenneth Hogan WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Philippe Mandeville Gauthier William Kilmer WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Micha Reiser Kenneth Hogan WIN LOSS
Pool 1 William Kilmer Rachel Gauthier WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Micha Reiser Philippe Mandeville Gauthier LOSS WIN
Pool 1 William Kilmer Kenneth Hogan WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Rachel Gauthier Philippe Mandeville Gauthier LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Devon Pratt Andrew Kilgore LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Matthew Johnson Chris Osmecki WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Devon Pratt Robert Kay LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Andrew Kilgore Chris Osmecki WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Matthew Johnson Robert Kay WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Devon Pratt Chris Osmecki LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Andrew Kilgore Robert Kay WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Devon Pratt Matthew Johnson LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Andrew Kilgore Matthew Johnson LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Steven Hirsch Arjan Mann WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Stéfany Cantin Scott Loescher LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Cori McLean Steven Hirsch LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Stéfany Cantin Arjan Mann WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Cori McLean Scott Loescher LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Steven Hirsch Stéfany Cantin WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Cori McLean Arjan Mann WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Steven Hirsch Scott Loescher WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Cori McLean Stéfany Cantin LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Arjan Mann Scott Loescher WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Kristopher Micozzi Seth Robinson WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Devan Pratt Sihong Fu LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Kristopher Micozzi Sihong Fu LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Devan Pratt Seth Robinson LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Sihong Fu Seth Robinson WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Devan Pratt Kristopher Micozzi LOSS WIN
Pool 2 John Armitage Jacob Burke LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Anthony Buonomo Jeffrey Baravarian DRAW DRAW
Pool 2 John Armitage Joseph Ceirante LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Jacob Burke Jeffrey Baravarian LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Anthony Buonomo Joseph Ceirante LOSS WIN
Pool 2 John Armitage Jeffrey Baravarian LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Jacob Burke Joseph Ceirante LOSS WIN
Pool 2 John Armitage Anthony Buonomo LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Joseph Ceirante Jeffrey Baravarian WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Jacob Burke Anthony Buonomo WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Vincent Cyr Da'Mon Stith DRAW DRAW
Pool 3 Chris Cecchi Eddy Louis LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Vincent Cyr Steven Gotcher LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Da'Mon Stith Eddy Louis WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Steven Gotcher Chris Cecchi WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Vincent Cyr Eddy Louis WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Da'Mon Stith Steven Gotcher WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Vincent Cyr Chris Cecchi WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Eddy Louis Steven Gotcher DRAW DRAW
Pool 3 Da'Mon Stith Chris Cecchi WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Scott Loescher Isadora Baden-Payne WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Peter Edwards Christopher Palagi WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Scott Loescher Richard Brautman WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Peter Edwards Isadora Baden-Payne LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Christopher Palagi Richard Brautman DRAW DRAW
Pool 4 Peter Edwards Scott Loescher LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Isadora Baden-Payne Richard Brautman DRAW DRAW
Pool 4 Christopher Palagi Scott Loescher WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Peter Edwards Richard Brautman LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Isadora Baden-Payne Christopher Palagi WIN LOSS
Pool 5 William Kilmer Kyle Marrotte LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Mathew Park Katherine Coyle LOSS WIN
Pool 5 William Kilmer Matthew Johnson LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Mathew Park Kyle Marrotte LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Matthew Johnson Katherine Coyle LOSS WIN
Pool 5 William Kilmer Mathew Park LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Matthew Johnson Kyle Marrotte LOSS WIN
Pool 5 William Kilmer Katherine Coyle LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Matthew Johnson Mathew Park WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Kyle Marrotte Katherine Coyle WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Dylan Hoffmann Robyn Alman LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Jérôme Paupe Collin Mandris WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Jason DeAngelis Derek Wise LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Dylan Hoffmann Collin Mandris WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Robyn Alman Jason DeAngelis WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Jérôme Paupe Derek Wise LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Collin Mandris Jason DeAngelis WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Robyn Alman Derek Wise LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Dylan Hoffmann Jérôme Paupe LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Robyn Alman Collin Mandris WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Jason DeAngelis Jérôme Paupe LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Derek Wise Dylan Hoffmann WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Jérôme Paupe Robyn Alman DRAW DRAW
Pool 6 Jason DeAngelis Dylan Hoffmann WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Derek Wise Collin Mandris WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Ryan Zukowski Laurent Theil-Santerre LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Robert Kay Chad Stewart LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Patrick Breitenbach Eva Arnason WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Chad Stewart Laurent Theil-Santerre LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Ryan Zukowski Patrick Breitenbach WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Robert Kay Eva Arnason WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Chad Stewart Patrick Breitenbach WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Ryan Zukowski Eva Arnason WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Robert Kay Laurent Theil-Santerre LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Ryan Zukowski Chad Stewart WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Robert Kay Patrick Breitenbach LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Laurent Theil-Santerre Eva Arnason WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Robert Kay Ryan Zukowski LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Patrick Breitenbach Laurent Theil-Santerre WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Chad Stewart Eva Arnason WIN LOSS
Pool 8 John Morahn Stéfany Cantin WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Antoine Lambert Mike O'Brien WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Corin McLean Kiana Shurkin LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Antoine Lambert John Morahn LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Kiana Shurkin Stéfany Cantin LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Corin McLean Mike O'Brien LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Antoine Lambert Kiana Shurkin WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Corin McLean Stéfany Cantin LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Mike O'Brien John Morahn LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Antoine Lambert Stéfany Cantin LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Kiana Shurkin Mike O'Brien LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Corin McLean John Morahn LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Stéfany Cantin Mike O'Brien LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Kiana Shurkin John Morahn LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Corin McLean Antoine Lambert LOSS WIN
Pool 9 Ashley Sciandra Sean You DRAW DRAW
Pool 9 Harold Vance III Alexander Kotarakos LOSS WIN
Pool 9 Rachel Gauthier Sean You LOSS WIN
Pool 9 Ashley Sciandra Harold Vance III LOSS WIN
Pool 9 Rachel Gauthier Alexander Kotarakos LOSS WIN
Pool 9 Harold Vance III Sean You LOSS WIN
Pool 9 Rachel Gauthier Ashley Sciandra LOSS WIN
Pool 9 Alexander Kotarakos Sean You WIN LOSS
Pool 9 Rachel Gauthier Harold Vance III LOSS WIN
Pool 9 Ashley Sciandra Alexander Kotarakos LOSS WIN
Pool 10 Zack Kochanski Jeremy Steflik LOSS WIN
Pool 10 Micha Rieser Camren O'Connor LOSS WIN
Pool 10 Zack Kochanski Shane Brown WIN LOSS
Pool 10 Micha Rieser Jeremy Steflik LOSS WIN
Pool 10 Shane Brown Camren O'Connor LOSS WIN
Pool 10 Micha Rieser Zack Kochanski LOSS WIN
Pool 10 Jeremy Steflik Shane Brown WIN LOSS
Pool 10 Camren O'Connor Zack Kochanski DRAW DRAW
Pool 10 Micha Rieser Shane Brown WIN LOSS
Pool 10 Camren O'Connor Jeremy Steflik LOSS WIN
Second Pool 4 Joseph Ceirante Steven Gotcher LOSS WIN
Second Pool 4 Da'Mon Stith Mike O'Brien WIN LOSS
Second Pool 4 Kyle Marrotte Jérôme Paupe WIN LOSS
Second Pool 4 Da'Mon Stith Joseph Ceirante LOSS WIN
Second Pool 4 Kyle Marrotte Steven Gotcher LOSS WIN
Second Pool 4 Mike O'Brien Jérôme Paupe WIN LOSS
Second Pool 4 Da'Mon Stith Kyle Marrotte WIN LOSS
Second Pool 4 Steven Gotcher Jérôme Paupe LOSS WIN
Second Pool 4 Joseph Ceirante Mike O'Brien LOSS WIN
Second Pool 4 Da'Mon Stith Steven Gotcher WIN LOSS
Second Pool 4 Kyle Marrotte Mike O'Brien LOSS WIN
Second Pool 4 Joseph Ceirante Jérôme Paupe WIN LOSS
Second Pool 4 Mike O'Brien Steven Gotcher WIN LOSS
Second Pool 4 Kyle Marrotte Joseph Ceirante WIN LOSS
Second Pool 4 Da'Mon Stith Jérôme Paupe WIN LOSS
Second Pool 3 Chad Stewart Robyn Alman LOSS WIN
Second Pool 3 Robert Kay Alexander Kotarakos LOSS WIN
Second Pool 3 Antoine Lambert Isadora Baden-Payne WIN LOSS
Second Pool 3 Alexander Kotarakos Chad Stewart WIN LOSS
Second Pool 3 Robyn Alman Isadora Baden-Payne LOSS WIN
Second Pool 3 Robert Kay Antoine Lambert LOSS WIN
Second Pool 3 Alexander Kotarakos Isadora Baden-Payne WIN LOSS
Second Pool 3 Antoine Lambert Robyn Alman LOSS WIN
Second Pool 3 Robert Kay Chad Stewart LOSS WIN
Second Pool 3 Alexander Kotarakos Robyn Alman WIN LOSS
Second Pool 3 Robert Kay Isadora Baden-Payne DRAW DRAW
Second Pool 3 Antoine Lambert Chad Stewart DRAW DRAW
Second Pool 3 Robert Kay Robyn Alman DRAW DRAW
Second Pool 3 Isadora Baden-Payne Chad Stewart WIN LOSS
Second Pool 3 Antoine Lambert Alexander Kotarakos LOSS WIN
Second Pool 2 Kristopher Micozzi Zack Kochanski LOSS WIN
Second Pool 2 Scott Loescher Derek Wise LOSS WIN
Second Pool 2 Katherine Coyle Laurent Theil-Santerre LOSS WIN
Second Pool 2 Kristopher Micozzi Derek Wise LOSS WIN
Second Pool 2 Laurent Theil-Santerre Zack Kochanski DRAW DRAW
Second Pool 2 Katherine Coyle Scott Loescher LOSS WIN
Second Pool 2 Laurent Theil-Santerre Derek Wise WIN LOSS
Second Pool 2 Katherine Coyle Zack Kochanski LOSS WIN
Second Pool 2 Kristopher Micozzi Scott Loescher DRAW DRAW
Second Pool 2 Zack Kochanski Derek Wise LOSS WIN
Second Pool 2 Scott Loescher Laurent Theil-Santerre LOSS WIN
Second Pool 2 Katherine Coyle Kristopher Micozzi DRAW DRAW
Second Pool 2 Zack Kochanski Scott Loescher WIN LOSS
Second Pool 2 Kristopher Micozzi Laurent Theil-Santerre LOSS WIN
Second Pool 2 Katherine Coyle Derek Wise LOSS WIN
Second Pool 1 Patrick Breitenbach Vincent Cyr LOSS WIN
Second Pool 1 John Morahn Stéfany Cantin WIN LOSS
Second Pool 1 Kiana Shurkin Ryan Zukowski LOSS WIN
Second Pool 1 Patrick Breitenbach John Morahn LOSS WIN
Second Pool 1 Ryan Zukowski Vincent Cyr LOSS WIN
Second Pool 1 Stéfany Cantin Kiana Shurkin WIN LOSS
Second Pool 1 John Morahn Ryan Zukowski WIN LOSS
Second Pool 1 Vincent Cyr Kiana Shurkin WIN LOSS
Second Pool 1 Patrick Breitenbach Stéfany Cantin WIN LOSS
Second Pool 1 John Morahn Vincent Cyr DRAW DRAW
Second Pool 1 Stéfany Cantin Ryan Zukowski LOSS WIN
Second Pool 1 Kiana Shurkin Patrick Breitenbach LOSS WIN
Second Pool 1 Vincent Cyr Stéfany Cantin LOSS WIN
Second Pool 1 Ryan Zukowski Patrick Breitenbach DRAW DRAW
Second Pool 1 John Morahn Kiana Shurkin WIN LOSS
Second Pool 5 Sihong Fu Jeremy Steflik LOSS WIN
Second Pool 5 Matthew Johnson Camren O'Connor LOSS WIN
Second Pool 5 Mathew Park Jacob Burke LOSS WIN
Second Pool 5 Jeremy Steflik Camren O'Connor WIN LOSS
Second Pool 5 Mathew Park Sihong Fu LOSS WIN
Second Pool 5 Jacob Burke Matthew Johnson DRAW DRAW
Second Pool 5 Mathew Park Camren O'Connor LOSS WIN
Second Pool 5 Jacob Burke Sihong Fu WIN LOSS
Second Pool 5 Matthew Johnson Jeremy Steflik LOSS WIN
Second Pool 5 Sihong Fu Camren O'Connor LOSS WIN
Second Pool 5 Mathew Park Matthew Johnson DRAW DRAW
Second Pool 5 Jacob Burke Jeremy Steflik LOSS WIN
Second Pool 5 Matthew Johnson Sihong Fu DRAW DRAW
Second Pool 5 Jeremy Steflik Mathew Park WIN LOSS
Second Pool 5 Jacob Burke Camren O'Connor WIN LOSS
Semifinal 1 Alexander Kotarakos Derek Wise LOSS WIN
Semifinal 2 Zack Kochanski Jeremy Steflik WIN LOSS
Final Derek Wise Zack Kochanski WIN LOSS
Third place Alexander Kotarakos Jeremy Steflik LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Iron Gate Exhibition 2019

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
24 3 Stephen Cheney Bucks Historical Longsword 1799.3 17.4
43 3 Jonathan Paulino Philadelphia Common Fencers Guild 1750 10
88 13 Eddy Louis Forte Swordplay 1675.4 20.5
141 1 Laurent Theil-Santerre Académie Scrimicie 1622.7 0.8
184 5 Alexander Kotarakos Sword Inquisition 1593.5 5.6
194 24 Anthony Buonomo Austin Historical Weapons Guild 1584.8 20
222 1 Sihong Fu Academie Duello 1568.6 6.9
223 188 Derek Wise Boston Armizare 1568.1 95
273 50 Connor Kemp-Cowell Caledonian Sword Guild 1535.2 22.4
295 113 Shane Brown New Jersey Historical Fencing Association 1527.4 53.1
300 172 Robert N. Smith Nickel City Longsword Academy 1525.9 78.9
310 1380 Matthew Johnson Boston Academie d'Armes 1522.3 374.4
367 74 Camren O'Connor Swords of Chivalry 1495.9 34.5
411 276 Jacob Burke Noble Science Academy 1479.6 96.3
430 31 Henry Sharum New Jersey Historical Fencing Association 1471.2 19.1
445 89 John Stansfield Richmond Kunst Des Fechtens 1464.8 30.8
454 102 Vincent Cyr Académie Scrimicie 1462.8 45.6
458 2 Josh Furrate Nachreisen Historical Fencing 1461.2 7.4
462 15 Isadora Baden-Payne Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1460.3 0.8
468 113 Ryan Zukowski Long Island Historical Fencing Society 1458.2 48.1
480 427 Garrett Adams Nickel City Longsword Academy 1453.3 131.6
500 381 Harley Jelis New York Historical Fencing Association 1443.4 116.2
502 386 Tea Kew Cambridge HEMA 1443.2 116.9
515 5 Jérôme Paupe La Compagnie Médiévale 1437.8 10.3
548 32 Joseph Ceirante New York Historical Fencing Association 1424.6 5.1
555 40 Eric White New Jersey Historical Fencing Association 1422.6 17.1
560 17 Zack Kochanski Pioneer Valley Fencing Academy 1421.8 11.2
618 65 Patrick McCaffrey L'Arte NYC Historical Fencing 1408.1 23.6
645 229 Rob Heim Nickel City Longsword Academy 1401.7 68.8
655 213 Kyle Marrotte Western Swordsmanship Technique and Research 1399.9 69.8
668 37 Sebastian Cole Nickel City Longsword Academy 1397 18.6
881 48 Yichen Liu Italian Renaissance Swordsmanship Academy 1335.9 20.2
928 50 Donovan Neiford Massachusetts Historical Swordsmanship 1322 6.2
998 310 Bryan Larkin Pioneer Valley Fencing Academy 1303.7 77.5
1018 53 C. Burns New Jersey Kloppfechters 1299.1 6.7
1136 213 Antoine Lambert Académie Scrimicie 1269.8 54.2
1155 540 William Bliss Noble Science Academy 1264.4 116.8
1159 45 Philippe Mandeville Gauthier La Compagnie Médiévale 1263 4.9
1274 1369 Collin Mandris Nickel City Longsword Academy 1238.9 283.6
1313 137 John Armitage Halfmoon Hema 1230.9 35.3
1363 429 Ryan Rusek Tri-State Historical Fencing Club 1218 89.1
1376 113 Patrick Breitenbach Boston Armizare 1214 27.3
1406 62 Kristopher Micozzi Long Island Historical Fencing Society 1209.3 7.1
1462 205 Christina Beaulieu Boston Armizare 1197.2 46.1
1554 97 Chad Stewart Halfmoon Hema 1176.8 17.7
1660 303 Jordan Humber Medieval European Martial Arts Guild 1157.2 64
1668 Michael Beschta The Exiles New England 1156.4
1755 Jason DeAngelis Western Swordsmanship Technique and Research 1140.9
1760 Keith Leung Nickel City Longsword Academy 1139.8
1799 430 Robert Kay Noble Science Academy 1133 92.5
1835 Eric Crain Massachusetts Historical Swordsmanship 1124.1
1845 5 Kristopher Newtown Nickel City Longsword Academy 1122.7 5.4
1959 14 Eva Arnason Athena School of Arms 1099 2.3
1965 120 Joseph Giuliano Athena School of Arms 1098.4 30.2
1972 22 Seth Robinson The Cateran Society 1096.5 9.3
1983 204 Paul Weinberg Massachusetts Historical Swordsmanship 1094.2 37.5
1993 45 Rebecca Glass L'Arte Della Bellica 1092.6 15.2
2005 1022 Michael Zuschlag Massachusetts Historical Swordsmanship 1090.1 210.8
2020 Katherine Coyle Athena School of Arms 1088
2043 378 Christopher Palagi Massachusetts Historical Swordsmanship 1083.1 68.5
2067 39 Robyn Alman Athena School of Arms 1077.7 14.3
2129 David Foster Massachusetts Historical Swordsmanship 1064.4
2158 308 Lucas Marra Laurel City Historical Fencing 1058.8 69.8
2168 160 Francois Paupe La Compagnie Médiévale 1056.7 43.1
2197 246 James Morgan Forte Swordplay 1051.9 43.7
2215 89 Eric Torraca Grünberg Freifechter 1048 28.6
2274 Kenneth Hogan Athena School of Arms 1037.9
2285 5 Jeffrey Baravarian Long Island Historical Fencing Society 1035.4 8.7
2297 614 Scott Loescher Western Swordsmanship Technique and Research 1031.7 116.9
2309 Jonathan Farris The Exiles New England 1028.6
2413 Raymond Walach Boston Armizare 1005.3
2577 159 Katie Zold Laurel City Historical Fencing 973.5 23.3
2600 Ethan Heilman Boston Armizare 969.5
3039 348 Colleen Cannon Athena School of Arms 887.7 109.1
3047 330 David Ott New Jersey Historical Fencing Association 886.1 103.4
3071 Chris Cecchi Boston Armizare 880
3146 208 Michael Baker Athena School of Arms 861.8 37.2
3154 64 Ashley Sciandra Western Swordsmanship Technique and Research 860.5 31.3
3204 Peter Edwards Athena School of Arms 845.8
3407 Jacqueline Doyle Boston Armizare 789.9
3473 159 William Kilmer Massachusetts Historical Swordsmanship 764.9 39.2