Vasaslaget 2022
- Date
- May 7
- Country
- Sweden
- City
- Uppsala
Tournament stats
Division | Number of fights | Number of fighters |
Mixed Steel Longsword | 116 | 36 |
Women's Steel Longsword | 20 | 8 |
Mixed Steel Single Rapier | 32 | 15 |
Mixed Steel Messer | 24 | 10 |
Fighters in event
All 55 fighters
This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.
Mixed Steel Longsword - 116 fights
Stage | Fighter 1 | Fighter 2 | Fighter 1 result | Fighter 2 result |
Swiss competition 1 | Magnus Leone | Axel Burström | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Andreas Öman | Adam Persson Brodèn | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Lisa Stensland | Nils Friberg | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Alexander Stiessel Åkerström | Muhammad Dabo | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Filip Sandell | Henric Hintze | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Anders Breid | Ludvig Öman | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Daniel Panizo | Kennie Lannér | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Joakim Börtin | David Kvist | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Chanelle Ekner Nordbeck | Pål Gulliksen | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Einar Lundgren | Gabriel Olsson | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Johan Nordqvist | Patrik Dzoic | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Robert Fogelberg Rota | Albin Stensland | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Mikael Berkesten | Robin Bygdén | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Kevin Löfgren | Philip Trippenbach | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Luis Oliveros Anerillas | Daniel Offrell | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Heikki Kerkkänen | Olle af Klintberg | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Johan Broth | Malte Brynedal | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Timothy Myers | Jakob Hedbom | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Nils Friberg | Henric Hintze | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Einar Lundgren | Patrik Dzoic | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Albin Stensland | Luis Oliveros Anerillas | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Johan Broth | Olle af Klintberg | DRAW | DRAW |
Swiss competition 1 | Timothy Myers | Adam Persson Brodèn | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Daniel Panizo | Joakim Börtin | DRAW | DRAW |
Swiss competition 1 | Philip Trippenbach | Ludvig Öman | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Pål Gulliksen | Muhammad Dabo | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Mikael Berkesten | Axel Burström | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Magnus Leone | Lisa Stensland | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Filip Sandell | Gabriel Olsson | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Robert Fogelberg Rota | Johan Nordqvist | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Andreas Öman | Daniel Offrell | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Heikki Kerkkänen | David Kvist | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Malte Brynedal | Jakob Hedbom | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Kennie Lannér | Anders Breid | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Chanelle Ekner Nordbeck | Kevin Löfgren | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Alexander Stiessel Åkerström | Robin Bygdén | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Philip Trippenbach | Henric Hintze | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Einar Lundgren | Timothy Myers | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Albin Stensland | Muhammad Dabo | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Joakim Börtin | Johan Broth | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Johan Nordqvist | Olle af Klintberg | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Mikael Berkesten | Nils Friberg | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Patrik Dzoic | Daniel Panizo | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Luis Oliveros Anerillas | Alexander Stiessel Åkerström | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Malte Brynedal | Adam Persson Brodèn | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Lisa Stensland | Filip Sandell | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | David Kvist | Ludvig Öman | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Andreas Öman | Kevin Löfgren | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Pål Gulliksen | Kennie Lannér | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Jakob Hedbom | Axel Burström | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Robert Fogelberg Rota | Magnus Leone | DRAW | DRAW |
Swiss competition 1 | Robin Bygdén | Gabriel Olsson | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Daniel Offrell | Heikki Kerkkänen | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Chanelle Ekner Nordbeck | Anders Breid | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Einar Lundgren | Henric Hintze | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Joakim Börtin | Olle af Klintberg | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Albin Stensland | Patrik Dzoic | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Timothy Myers | Philip Trippenbach | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Alexander Stiessel Åkerström | David Kvist | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Mikael Berkesten | Malte Brynedal | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Lisa Stensland | Muhammad Dabo | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Kennie Lannér | Andreas Öman | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Johan Nordqvist | Johan Broth | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Daniel Panizo | Nils Friberg | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Axel Burström | Luis Oliveros Anerillas | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Filip Sandell | Adam Persson Brodèn | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Heikki Kerkkänen | Ludvig Öman | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Robin Bygdén | Kevin Löfgren | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Anders Breid | Pål Gulliksen | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Jakob Hedbom | Magnus Leone | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Gabriel Olsson | Robert Fogelberg Rota | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Chanelle Ekner Nordbeck | Daniel Offrell | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Einar Lundgren | Albin Stensland | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Henric Hintze | Olle af Klintberg | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Alexander Stiessel Åkerström | Timothy Myers | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Muhammad Dabo | Malte Brynedal | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Joakim Börtin | Andreas Öman | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Patrik Dzoic | Johan Broth | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Philip Trippenbach | Adam Persson Brodèn | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | David Kvist | Mikael Berkesten | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Luis Oliveros Anerillas | Robin Bygdén | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Heikki Kerkkänen | Lisa Stensland | DRAW | DRAW |
Swiss competition 1 | Nils Friberg | Kennie Lannér | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Daniel Panizo | Johan Nordqvist | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Axel Burström | Anders Breid | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Filip Sandell | Jakob Hedbom | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Kevin Löfgren | Ludvig Öman | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Gabriel Olsson | Daniel Offrell | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Magnus Leone | Pål Gulliksen | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Chanelle Ekner Nordbeck | Robert Fogelberg Rota | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Henric Hintze | Albin Stensland | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Einar Lundgren | Alexander Stiessel Åkerström | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Muhammad Dabo | Joakim Börtin | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Patrik Dzoic | Olle af Klintberg | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Luis Oliveros Anerillas | Timothy Myers | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Adam Persson Brodèn | Mikael Berkesten | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Andreas Öman | Malte Brynedal | DRAW | DRAW |
Swiss competition 1 | Kennie Lannér | Johan Broth | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Philip Trippenbach | David Kvist | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Lisa Stensland | Daniel Panizo | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Axel Burström | Robin Bygdén | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Filip Sandell | Heikki Kerkkänen | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Kevin Löfgren | Daniel Offrell | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Nils Friberg | Magnus Leone | DRAW | DRAW |
Swiss competition 1 | Anders Breid | Johan Nordqvist | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Jakob Hedbom | Robert Fogelberg Rota | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Chanelle Ekner Nordbeck | Ludvig Öman | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Pål Gulliksen | Gabriel Olsson | LOSS | WIN |
Quarterfinal 1 | Albin Stensland | Muhammad Dabo | WIN | LOSS |
Quarterfinal 2 | Henric Hintze | Luis Oliveros Anerillas | WIN | LOSS |
Quarterfinal 3 | Joakim Börtin | Patrik Dzoic | WIN | LOSS |
Quarterfinal 4 | Alexander Stiessel Åkerström | Mikael Berkesten | LOSS | WIN |
Semifinal 1 | Albin Stensland | Henric Hintze | WIN | LOSS |
Semifinal 2 | Joakim Börtin | Mikael Berkesten | LOSS | WIN |
Final | Mikael Berkesten | Albin Stensland | WIN | LOSS |
Third place | Henric Hintze | Joakim Börtin | WIN | LOSS |
Women's Steel Longsword - 20 fights
Mixed Steel Single Rapier - 32 fights
Stage | Fighter 1 | Fighter 2 | Fighter 1 result | Fighter 2 result |
Swiss competition 1 | Henric Hintze | David Kvist | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Einar Lundgren | Per Magnus Haaland | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Mattias Brännström | Albin Stensland | DRAW | DRAW |
Swiss competition 1 | Rasmus Rolandsson | Pontus Westerholm | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Kristine Konsmo | Daniel Offrell | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Luis Oliveros Anerillas | Martin Svedberg | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Alexander Olsson | Joakim Linde | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Henric Hintze | Alexander Olsson | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Martin Svedberg | Kristine Konsmo | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Rasmus Rolandsson | Einar Lundgren | DRAW | DRAW |
Swiss competition 1 | Albin Stensland | Malte Brynedal | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Mattias Brännström | David Kvist | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Daniel Offrell | Joakim Linde | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Per Magnus Haaland | Luis Oliveros Anerillas | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Alexander Olsson | Kristine Konsmo | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Albin Stensland | Henric Hintze | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Daniel Offrell | Rasmus Rolandsson | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Mattias Brännström | Einar Lundgren | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Malte Brynedal | Martin Svedberg | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Pontus Westerholm | Luis Oliveros Anerillas | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | David Kvist | Joakim Linde | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Kristine Konsmo | Henric Hintze | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Mattias Brännström | Martin Svedberg | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Pontus Westerholm | Alexander Olsson | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Rasmus Rolandsson | David Kvist | WIN | LOSS |
Swiss competition 1 | Daniel Offrell | Albin Stensland | LOSS | WIN |
Swiss competition 1 | Luis Oliveros Anerillas | Einar Lundgren | DRAW | DRAW |
Swiss competition 1 | Per Magnus Haaland | Malte Brynedal | WIN | LOSS |
Semifinal 1 | Rasmus Rolandsson | Henric Hintze | WIN | LOSS |
Semifinal 2 | Alexander Olsson | Mattias Brännström | WIN | LOSS |
Final | Rasmus Rolandsson | Alexander Olsson | WIN | LOSS |
Third place | Mattias Brännström | Henric Hintze | LOSS | WIN |
Mixed Steel Messer - 24 fights
Rating outcomes
This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.
Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Vasaslaget 2022
Longsword (Mixed & Men's, Steel) - 36 fighters
Longsword (Women's, Steel) - 8 fighters
Rank | Name | Nationality | Club | Weighted rating | Confidence | ||
7 | 4 | Kristine Konsmo | HEMA Riga | 1610.3 | 24.8 | ||
16 | 1 | Britt Sjöqvist | Örebro HEMA | 1564.1 | 30.2 | ||
48 | 3 | Torun Sandström Wadell | Medeltida Stridsteknik Linköping IF | 1350.8 | 11.1 | ||
50 | 16 | Anna Färnefors | Örebro HEMA | 1345.7 | 134.9 | ||
56 | 11 | Anna-Lotta Eriksson | Örebro HEMA | 1308.1 | 21.3 | ||
81 | Chanelle Ekner Nordbeck | Uppsala Historiska Fäktskola | 1178.4 | ||||
82 | Kira Alekseeva | Tramazzone | 1176.4 | ||||
149 | Amanda Lindgren | Uppsala Historiska Fäktskola | 810.2 |
Single Rapier (Mixed & Men's, Steel) - 15 fighters
Rank | Name | Nationality | Club | Weighted rating | Confidence | ||
47 | 14 | Kristine Konsmo | HEMA Riga | 1457.5 | 50.8 | ||
49 | Rasmus Rolandsson | Stockholmspolisens Idrottsförening Fäktning | 1449.4 | ||||
93 | 21 | Alexander Olsson | West Coast HEMA | 1341.9 | 60.6 | ||
129 | 16 | Martin Svedberg | Uppsala Historiska Fäktskola | 1279.4 | 3.9 | ||
140 | 97 | Henric Hintze | Stockholmspolisens Idrottsförening Fäktning | 1261.2 | 263.8 | ||
180 | 34 | Mattias Brännström | Umeås Historiska Fäktskola | 1175.8 | 112.5 | ||
231 | Albin Stensland | Wisby Historiska Fäktskola | 1089.1 | ||||
267 | Luis Oliveros Anerillas | Umeås Historiska Fäktskola | 1025.2 | ||||
272 | Einar Lundgren | Stockholmspolisens Idrottsförening Fäktning | 1015 | ||||
275 | 56 | David Kvist | Umeås Historiska Fäktskola | 1011.3 | 28.4 | ||
286 | Pontus Westerholm | Medeltida Stridsteknik Linköping IF | 977.9 | ||||
299 | Per Magnus Haaland | Sällskapet Lunds Kontrafäktare | 944.7 | ||||
325 | Daniel Offrell | Stockholmspolisens Idrottsförening Fäktning | 908.3 | ||||
355 | Malte Brynedal | Umeås Historiska Fäktskola | 805.9 | ||||
357 | 63 | Joakim Linde | Gothenburg Historical Fencing School | 805.1 | 20.2 |
Longsword (Underrepresented Genders & Women's, Steel) - 8 fighters
Rank | Name | Nationality | Club | Weighted rating | Confidence | ||
7 | 4 | Kristine Konsmo | HEMA Riga | 1610.3 | 24.8 | ||
16 | 1 | Britt Sjöqvist | Örebro HEMA | 1564.1 | 30.2 | ||
48 | 3 | Torun Sandström Wadell | Medeltida Stridsteknik Linköping IF | 1350.8 | 11.1 | ||
50 | 16 | Anna Färnefors | Örebro HEMA | 1345.7 | 134.9 | ||
56 | 11 | Anna-Lotta Eriksson | Örebro HEMA | 1308.1 | 21.3 | ||
81 | Chanelle Ekner Nordbeck | Uppsala Historiska Fäktskola | 1178.4 | ||||
82 | Kira Alekseeva | Tramazzone | 1176.4 | ||||
149 | Amanda Lindgren | Uppsala Historiska Fäktskola | 810.2 |